Critical Notices

Critical Notices

Below you will find advisories and formal notices that may be relevant to you. Please check this page regularly to ensure you stay up to date with the latest information. We also encourage all customers to manage their contact information on file with Symmetry by logging into the customer portal, which will help ensure you receive all relevant email communications and important notices.

Critical Notices

This list of notices and flow orders may be incomplete and it is the customers’ responsibility to check with its LDC, upstream pipeline and state and local government officials for further information. If you have questions regarding the potential impacts of an applicable Flow Order, we encourage you to contact your Transporter directly.

Other general notices and weather advisories as applicable can be found below this table, click the blue title bar above to minimize this table or scroll down for more.

Notice IssuerNotice TypeNotice DescriptionStart DateExpireNotice LinkActive?
Always check with your local provider for the latest information.Data Last Updated: February 11, 2025 3:14 pm CT
Symmetry Energy Solutions, L.L.C.Customer NoticeUpcoming Winter Weather1/3/2025TBDSymmetry Weather AlertYes
Symmetry Energy Solutions, L.L.C.Customer NoticeStay Informed this Winter11/4/20242/28/2025Customer NoticeYes
TranscoFlow OrderOperational Flow Order (OFO) - Imbalance2/10/2025TBDOFO NoticeYes
Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLCFlow OrderOperational Flow Order (OFO)2/8/2025TBDOFO NoticeYes

Alerts previously listed that have now expired have been removed from this table. As new alerts are identified, the table will be updated with that information.